Meet Bart Dubbeldam

Your World-class Grappling Instructor in Holland

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With a lifelong passion for martial arts, I've dedicated myself to the art and science of this dynamic sport. In my relatively short career as grappler, I've achieved numerous milestones, and I'm excited to share my knowledge and expertise with you.

My Martial Arts Journey

My love for martial arts started at a young age. Like all Dutch children I went to a judo club at the age of six. However, after a few years of doing judo I decided to focus more time on playing chess. A martial arts that is way less dynamic than judo or grappling, but not too different in its core. Just like grappling, chess is a game that is known for its complexity and near infinite number of possibilities. The game of chess will teach you how to analyze, strategize, and think ahead. All these skills are incredibly valuable for a martial artist.

Almost half a decade ago I picked up grappling. My first class was at the Erasmus University, led by Daniël de Groot. Daniël is by far the best black belt in the Netherlands, one of the first that decided to become a full-time professional athelete and one of my big rolemodels. In the beginning of 2023 he opened a gym in Rotterdam, HavenBJJ. Currently HavenBJJ has one of the best trainingrooms in the Netherlands. I'm training daily with European Champions, Dutch Champions and talented up and comers.

My Training Philosophy

Since the day I started grappling I have been on the mats almost every day, and often multiple times a day. Due to my unique way of training and studying grappling I managed to become one of the best in the world and the best in Holland in a short time span. Many people come to training and try to spar as hard as possible, 'Everyday Porrada' right? Oh, and if the techniques doesn't work you just use more power.


My training method is radically different. One of the core principals of martial arts (and any endavour for that matter) is that you always aim to use your energy as efficiently as possible, in Judo this is called Seiryoku-Zenyo. I apply this principle to my whole training. Of course your moves won't be extremely efficient immediately. By constatnly aiming to adhere to this principal I discovered fundamental principles that made almost all my technique extremely efficient, gave me a great understanding of the game and skyrocketed my progess.


In the past few years I went from a complete beginner to one of the best in the world. This shows from my competition results, in the past year I beat established black belts and won prestigious competitions.

  • 2023 - Veluwe Open Champion (black belt division at -82.3kg and -94.3kg)
  • 2023 - Polaris Contenders Winner (professional division -70kg)
  • 2022 - IBJJF Vice World Champion Nogi (purple belt at -67.5kg)
  • 2022 - Emperor Of The Mats II (professional division at -66kg and open weight)
  • 2022 - Dutch Open Grappling Champion (purple belt division at -70kg and open weight)
  • 2021 - ADCC Polish Champion (professional division at -66kg)
  • 2021 - 'Best Blue Belt Under 70kg'


Since 2022 I have been teaching classes and privates regularly in Daniël's gym. My goal as an instructor is not to be the funniest, or nicest person that ever taught you. However, my goal is that my students walk out of each training with at least one idea that will rapidly improve their grappling. This could be a large concept or a little detail that suddenly makes the success rate of your techniques go up or change your understanding of the game significantly.

Grappling is not an easy sport, and especially starting out is tough. You'll end in bad positions most of the time and have trouble even comprehending what is going on. My promise is that through working together your game will rapidly level-up and that even these bad positions become more enjoyable because you understand what is going on.

Reach Out

If you're interested in learning from me or have any questions, you can book a call to chat and see if it's a match by clicking on the 'Call Now' button. If you're ready to book your private session right away, you can click on the 'Book Now' button. Alternatively, you can also reach out to me through the contact form at the bottom of the page.

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Privates are Taught at Haven BJJ


Weena 1099
Rotterdam, 3013AL

By Car

Parking is available in 'Het Groothandelsgebouw'

By Public Transport

Walking distance from Rotterdam Central Station


Get In Touch

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced grappler, our personalized training sessions are designed to help you achieve your goals. Contact us today for any questions or to book your private and immediately start your journey!